2603003199a's game! (31ffbfb1)

Smack talk goes here for 2603003199a’s game!! Game URL: 2603003199a's game! | Civilization 6 | Play Your Damn Turn

It looks like this is your first time hosting a game, welcome!

:spiral_notepad: How to create your PYDT game

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Could one of you please tag me in this games Discord channel? I thought I found it, but now lost track of it again.

@Catalpa Sure, if everyone is happy with using Discord, I will tag everyone when the game starts.

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i prefer vanilla, have a good game!

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Where can I find BBG 5.8.1 Completed Static?

Hi, I’ve also left the link to both mods in the game details. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks @Valamas and @2603003199a

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What would you like me to do? I don’t have the mods you added installed, and don’t want to deal with installing them just to withdraw from the game later. I’ve already marked myself for substitution, but haven’t been substituted for yet. Am happy to hold the turn until a substitute joins, or surrender – whichever is your preference as host (of course you can also kick me, as host, and this position would be played by AI as well). I don’t want my departure to cause unnecessary difficulties, so would prefer to defer to your preference.

No worries. Is it OK if you just surrender/I kick you? No point forcing you to stay here if you weren’t going to play. Whoever is interested can take over the AI later instead.

Just find some sub. This is the better way…

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If it’s usually that way here, sure. I just thought it’d be better to get the game going.

opinions can differ, but in my experience better not to have the first few turns played by an AI (if it will ultimately be a human position). I’m already marked for substitution, so if a sub can be found they can just directly take over the position if I understand the mechanic correctly. I can hold until then

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We may be able to wait. I recall that PYDT gives us ~30 days before it deletes a game that has not yet started.

game has started, there’s no limit.

I can sub in, new PYDT player. See what I can make of it…

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This is my first match on PYDT too, welcome!

Welcome to new players!

PYDT has the distinct advantage of being able to revert turns. If you are playing on Play by Cloud on Steam and the game gets stuck, the game can’t be recovered. I have had 2 games fail because of this.

Not to remain offtopic, but reverting is always possible or game options from the match creator? Anyway, the loading/saving with the client works fine as is, so getting into the game shouldn’t be a problem :slight_smile: