TSL South East Asia (88dad34d)

Smack talk goes here for TSL South East Asia! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/88dad34d-b025-4177-a495-30eaccb8b350

Hi, my PC died on me the other day, and I am not sure when I will get it back. Feel free to kick me if you need to go on with the game, otherwise I will continue playing as soon as I get it back.

I’m on a business trip from today on till the next week and I need a bit longer then usual to play my turn. Sorry - but I have my gaming laptop with me :wink:

(Discourse duplicate filter: this is for tsl game)

Sorry to interrupt this game, but I’m on vacation from tomorrow on till sunday.

(game: tsl-south-east-asia)

GG - I doubt that I can finish my mars part. My only space port was nuked and I would need ca. 20 more rounds to repair the space port and finish the mars space part.
This was a long game and I didn’t see so many nukes. I was suprised by the fact that nilla has so many nukes. My plan was to nuke his forces and 5 turns later I would have another nuke, but he nuked my cities and most of my tanks.
Lessons learned: Spread the troops in the late game.

If you don’t mind I would leave the game - I guess nilla is going to win this war anyway. It’s just a matter of time.

When I realised I’m not going to win with science (when geof was far ahead) I started building nukes. I was very surprised that geof couldn’t hold his cities and I wasn’t forced to use nukes against him so I could save them all for the late game. I think bob wasn’t very far from winning with science and luckily the friendship ended in time so I could attack and turn the game around.

Thank you both for a really great game! :slight_smile:

Game isn’t over yet. Or is somebody conceding?

This was a very fun game. Only problem is I couldn’t generate a lot of production. I was so close to launching the spaceship but just couldn’t get there. I couldn’t hold my cities because I couldn’t build enough defensive ships.

Well - my hopes are low, but we can continue of course :slight_smile:

China will capture my last city in the next few turns. Then I will be out.

Thanks everybody for the nice game!

Thank you all and hope to see you soon in other games! :slight_smile:

How did the game end? Did China launch the spaceship? or did China capture all the capitals?

My little India empire was 14 turns away from the final mars mission part, unfortunately a the nuke war happend and China had a ton of nukes… so in the end all capitals were captured from China. Good game :slight_smile:

This was a good game. Very equal among all of us. The game didn’t end the way I thought it would, or the way I wanted it to. I had a strategy to get a big tech lead and launch the spaceship. Biggest problem was I couldn’t generate enough production to launch quickly. I was so close to finishing my spaceship when my last city with the spaceport was captured. Thanks everybody for a good game.