Smack talk goes here for Test run! Game URL:
Are we ready to start?
Going to try to start game, still figuring out how this thing works. Keeps saying I don’t have the correct player’s turn.
Hmm constantly crashing when try to save, will see if I can fix tomorrow.
Is there a drastic increase in save-file’s size? Bloated saves was common problem with Civ 5
Yeah, the save file is ~90 Mb, while the other saves were ~300kb. Anyone know if there’s a way to roll back to a prev save or something?
That does look bloated. I noticed similar thing with my single game saves where 1/6 was 86 Mb vs. regular 1000-2000 kt. Although my bloated save works fine and doesn’t crash like Civ V-files did. Among Civ V -community there was a special unbloating-mod to fix it. Perhaps I had to ask around if anyone can make one for Civ 6 too
Reverting might work. There is a revert turn button in the webpage?
Are we stalled because of the size of the save? porcupineDQ, have you tried reverting it yet? It should have the option to revert on the tab to the right of the Surrender tab.