Temp.use88's game! (9dd4b239)

You have to set it to be seen by all. there are different seetings. Show only to Ally etc

Then I must have messed up some settings. Weird…

No you haven’t. I’m talking about settings in the Pin Ui


I just created a discord channel for this game, feel free to join (or not join :D):


I’m worried the era turn timer is stuck… :frowning:

Yeah weird. At least my civic is in classical era.

Mongolian Horseman are out, 39 combat strength, be aware! :cold_face:

Good luck in the Classical Era guys!

Does anyone know what happened to Tofu? Is he in anyone elses game?

Active Games: 6
But he’s not in any of mine.

Yasss! welcome back Tofu.

Can’t buy military units with faith as of the new update – Grandmaster Chapel seems broken, which is a bit of a problem for us faithful Indians

Do you want to put the game on hold until it’s patched?

Or people can play in legacy branch of Civ VI.

Hey temp

how do you do that?

How do you feel about just calling this one?

I’m willing to concede

I’ve lost this anyway. I’m fine scrapping it