RED Island Hopping DEATH / Vanillia / Island Plates (9b2e09a3)

GG @Valamas & @banman39 . I just got the victory screen by using my unique road vision ability to find your last civilian. I sent a thermo nuke that I just picked up from a supply drop its way. However, I can’t submit the turn after that. Hence, I’ll just submit without the attack. It looks like the red death will claim you in a turn or two anyway.

GG @petrojbl1 … I probably wouldn’t have died by red death as quick as you think, given my faction’s unique ability, but I’m sure it was just a matter of time given you probably have more than one surviving combat unit :slight_smile:

GG! The furthest I have ever been.

I was wondering how one of you got such an effective nuke shot on me.

A new game popping up this week with selected faction or even a single faction for all.

If the game is over, surrender. Screen shot if you feel the need to prove the victory.

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I think you suffered due to the charisma (and easy targeting on) of your GDR – I fired on you, while @petrojbl1 fired on me, and when my machine guns died, he must have fired on you as well :smile: