PYDT Old World Test (6435d314)

Smack talk goes here for PYDT Old World Test! Game URL:

Old World Updated and I cant load my turn, therefore I cant play my turn :frowning:

Valamas will send the game file through discord.

I paused the turn timer until we figure it out.


@yonie - I just had to recompile the PYDT mod against some changes to their mod API - I published the new version, hopefully if you try again it’ll autodownload and work.

@mrosack unfortunately I still get the screen above when I load the game, :frowning:

Well that’s great if the mods don’t auto update. :frowning: If you go to mods from the menu is there an option to update your Play Your Damn Turn Support mod to 1.0.1?

I went to mods and uninstalled the PYDT mod, then I loaded the game, it asked me to install the PYDT mod and I was able to load my turn properly. YAY. Thanks for your help.

I got a “defeat” message but I’m not sure why, Nuts is pretty far ahead, though…

me too. I just next-turned thinking the game was over

Win for “double victory”.

Victory conditions:

  1. Ambitions: Complete 10 ambitions.
  2. Victory Points: Get to (number) Victory Points.
  3. Conquest: Conquer all other nations.
  4. Time: Have the highest VP after 200 turns.
  5. Double Victory: Have twice as many points as the next nation, AND at least half the required VP points.
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So seeing as Nuts has won, do we stop playing? How does the game end?

Good Game Nuts

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GG Nuts!

I just surrended.