Yeah how did Selezin and kapshul get through their turns fine??
I didn’t. Just saved the game in the beggining of Matt’s turn.
If this is problem for you it is better to revert my turn.
I couldn’t see the top bar with menu etc. when it came through to the next player turn. I’ll do a revert and see if it helps.
Click “Ok” and start turn for next player. Then save.
You see start notes for Babylonia but just ignore them, do nothing, save the game immediately.
Well I’ve been skipped now, but my problem was that when it got through to Babylon’s turn after mine I couldn’t see the menu to save & exit - I had to CTRL-ALT-DEL to get out of the game, and that obviously didn’t save the turn.
Is it the PYDT mod that is the problem? Worth asking in PYDT Discord chat?
Yes, most likely it is a mod. Similar things have happened before with major updates and changes in parameters for modders.
Press “Esc”.
How does that work then?
GG, well played and I was fully expecting you to win, but what does a Double Victory mean?
When player’s points are greater than x2 of any other player.
By capturing Egyptian city, I reduced their victory points to ½ my points and oops.