Michaqel's game! Beyond Earth 3 (3da132e0)

@Michaqel as host, you can use admin tools to revert the game as many times as you like

Yes you have right, but if you remember, when we tried it before, then nobody could done turn :-(.

oh sorry, i forget to revert the turn to j-Dog

Fair enough! Though I’d be enormously surprised if the host reverting generates a different result than a player reverting (except for the increased likelihood of the player forgetting to do it) :wink:

:slight_smile: I read the post to late, habit

I reverted it to J-Dog.

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Worked for me. Hope we’re back on track.


Since nothing has happend in months - I presume this game is dead?

I am going try skip my turn again… we will see.

Same error again. I think perhaps it’s time to call it…

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Last try. I am going to revert the turn on BambusBjorn and then activate turn timer. He will skipped and I try play my turn. If will the same error detected then we can close this game.

OK I dont play my turn and wait for the turn timer, good luck to you, i hope its works

It is working guys… I can played my turn. We will see if is ok for next player. Turn timer is off. Thx BB.

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Yep ok for me too

Guys, error is back :-(. I think the problem has BambusBjorn. @BambusBjoern can you try reinstal your BE and then we can try your turn again. Or maybe you can try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csIWuMLTPd4

I reinstall and pls revert, I try again

It is working guys. After 4 months we have solution :-D. Banman was defeated? Or not? Make sense write him for return?

@Maxmcg J-Dog is 4 turns from Victory!!! Are you ready for peace?

Hi, this game is finishing so I created new other game: https://www.playyourdamnturn.com/game/92ff7293-0b5a-4f49-aed6-6770119925ea

GG everyone! Contact on my next turn. It was a close race with Michaqel’s Emancipation, but luckily NSA’s navy carried the day.