Game Old World: Full Random (98d1d515)

I think so.

Turns dead

Sorry for delay.
My laptop was broken. :frowning:

My turn do not save at the end. Next player turn is on.

Oh great, it looks like the old world update broke the PYDT mod. I’ll try to look into it as soon as I can, but in the meantime just try not to look at the next person’s turn and save immediately. :slight_smile:

I downloaded autosave from the folder Multiplayer\Auto via the site. Judging by the fact that Nuts was able to load the save, this is the desired save.

Please see here, everyone needs to update their PYDT mod due to a breaking change in Old world Old World PYDT Mod Not Working - Bug Reports - Play Your Damn Turn

What’s wrong with this game?
Looks like my military units moves themselves.
Does anybody have same issue?

I haven’t noticed anything, but I’m always way low on orders every turn.

In 2 other games everything is ok.
In this I have from 0 to 7 (of 24) orders and all my attacking units already made their turn.
All my builders and scouts have no tasks.

I haven’t seen anything like that, how many turns has this been happening? We can revert a bit if we need to. @Squidoo have you updated your mod to 1.2?

10 or something.
I cannot remember.

P.S. Sorry. I had to report this immediately.

Anyway my situation is not bad.
And what I want is the issue to be fixed.

I resub game on:


I had already have this version from while

gg @selezin - you almost had me at one point and thanks for fighting to the end!

New Old World game:

GG everyone!


GG @mrosack

BBS mod required for this game. :slight_smile: