Anchor Ceti, Free For All #5 (March 10) (8e8169ee)

My Bad! Beyond Earth does appear to work on MacOS again (M1 MacBook Air), I can almost get Anchor Ceti to work, but it doesn’t stick deep enough to launch a game with it enabled.

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same to me, i dont know where i have copy the files. direct in the app file works, but the DC didnt activate

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1.16.463 update is online
Mostly visual updates, and Art Folder should be reloaded too

(turn 64)
Absolutely unprovoked aggression from Reji and Lena

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(turn 75)
While the rest of the planet is fragmented by war, the enlightened Chungsu have made friends with their neighbor colonies and have even started befriending the native alien life by incorporating several alien nests into their territory.

Free from the distractions of war that plague the other planetary universities, Chugnsu scholars have compiled a list of the planet’s most advanced colonies:

  1. The Futuristic Polystralians
  2. The Cutting-Edge INTEGR
  3. The Innovative Brasilians
  4. The Modern Franco-Iberians
  5. The Functional Chungsu
  6. The Outdated People’s African Union
  7. The Decrepit Pan-Asian Cooperative

and the most populous colonies:

  1. The Thriving Polystralians
  2. The Bountiful Franco-Iberians
  3. The Vibrant Chugnsu
  4. The Robust INTEGR
  5. The Faltering Brasilians
  6. The Barren Pan-Asian Cooperative
  7. The Desolate People’s African Union
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(turn 76)
“… Mesmerizing the attention of the public with their “fake” ratings and assurances of their peaceful intentions, Chungsu “scholars” act in strict coordination with their own military machine. With the second hand, behind their own backs, they are preparing military production facilities for deployment as close as possible to our territory, pushing their borders to form an operational space. Warning these actions, we declare: We, our Cultural Garden, will not remain silent while the “beastly and scary jungle” of Chungsu spreads out the world!”

– Ishai Borya Fontelles, Courier of Foreign Affairs, of the Museum Custodians
Press conference on security in the Messari Ground planetary zone

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Brazill’s boats can go no further because they do not know the secret password.


(turn 85)

  • “Look, isn’t this an example of the true superiority of a cultural garden community over the barbarism of the Amazon jungle?”
    – Ishai Borya Fontelles
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lol, I’ve got a traffic jam over here too.

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turn 90

Yeah, they got down my Alien Drone :smirk_cat:

Brazilian Jungle want to break walls of our Garden

(turn 93)

@gabezilla our forces are going to free your base from Lion’s Guards forces.
It is recommended that you going to prepare your Patrol Boat unit for the base capture operation.

(turn 95)

We had drawn down those defense forces, you can capt the base with your assault boats.

(turn 99)

Is someone playing giveaway? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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That graphic is deceptive. This faction is winning


One of my favorite faction )

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Their victory condition would be to infiltrate a colony and gain access to a starship.

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(turn 108)

Axis of Defiance

3 regional Headquarters of the factions of the Lion Guard, Integr and Neuroengineers are in a state of mass unrest! The population of the bases rebels against the governor’s authorities. And although there is no common leader in these incidents, they are united by common demands: people demand freedom from parochial dictatorial regimes, from bonded working conditions!

Crowd cues from a report from the main square of the Tiangong base:

  • “We don’t get paid for the 3rd month!”
  • “My children have nothing to eat for 2 weeks!”
  • “Let him take his titanium toilet bowl and get out of the city hall on all four sides!”

This is Planetary News, Culture TV channel
News on the bright side

Ось Неповиновения

3 региональные Штаб Квартиры фракций Львиной Гвардии, Интегр и Нейроинженеров находятся в состоянии терпящем массовые беспорядки! Население баз бунтует против губернаторских органов управления. И хотя в этих инцидентах не замечено общего лидера, но их объединяют общие требования: люди требуют свободы от местечковых диктаторских режимов, от кабальных условий труда!

Реплики толпы из репортажа с главной площади базы Tiangong:

  • “Нам не платят зарплату 3й месяц!”
  • “Мои детям 2 недели нечего есть!”
  • “Пусть забирает свой титановой унитаз и проваливает из мэрии на все четыре стороны!”

С вами были Планетарные Новости, телеканал Культура
Новости на светлой стороне

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(turn 146)
Hutama wanted to catch you two at once) @gabezilla @G-Man
You have an advantage by score if you will work together.
It seems to me that his mouth is too small for such a piece. :smirk_cat:

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Yeah, Hutama’s mad at me now that I started building the beacon. I got lucky again and got a signal fragment 2nd time in a row! I’ve been in an unhealthiness rut for a long time and I’m only just now pulling myself out of it, so he smells blood in the water. I know where his big fleet is so hopefully I can concentrate my forces and have an awesome battle. :sunglasses:

I wasn’t trying for a giveaway game :sweat_smile:, I was actually gearing up to attack Protok around turn 100 after I saw him pull ahead in tech. He had more cities and population and I figured I’d have to win a decisive battle early or he’d just outproduce me. I decided that was too risky and tried settling a ton of cities instead and aim for a late-game showdown where I had more production. That caused a lot of unhealth though, and I didn’t handle it very well. It took me waaay too long to realize that I should stop working my mines/manufactories until my health recovered. I was stuck at -100% growth penalty for a long time without realizing how bad it was. :fearful:

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Yes, I understand this situation.
In FFA#6 I also made several strategic mistakes and slipped to third place. Fortunately, there is still room for maneuver.

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