Going for two day trip, so I can’t play until next Wednesday
I’ll be offline from 09.11. till 19.11. with limited access to Civ.
Don’t count for a turn in this time, but I’ll be back.
Noted. There’s no rush with this game. I’m positive we’ll actually finish this game, unlike many of my Civ 5 mps
Yo guys, I will be out until 01/02/19. C ya. Happy holidays.
Alright, we’ll wait then. Happy holidays!
I’m getting an error when saving the game, it gives me the message that it is the incorrect turn in save file. The thing is that CHV left the game but when I end my turn it shows me that he is the next player, any ideia what we may do to fix this?
Yeah, players leaving games also caused bugs in civ 5 - GMR
Let’s try revert turn first. After that we can ask admin about this
my save worked just fine for me.
Anyway, Rome is getting cultural victory very soon (42/43) so I’m ready to stop here. It was fun game, just too bad AI wins it
Yeah, I did like you said, reverted the turn and then put AI in place of CHv, then it worked.
Your last city is about to fall, so you’re soon exiting the stage. But seriously, thanks for playing. You did good, heck I was bit worried in the first war that you’ll conquer me
Good luck on other games!
Hahha… that was my first PYDT game so I was getting to use the pace of the game, but was a good game. thanks.
I beat you, but seemed like Rome won in the end. Game stuck “please wait” so I can’t say did AI won with Culture or Science