Goon Game 2 (f2351e06)

Sweet. I’ll try to find a replacement.

So replacement-finding is not going well. Zero takers.

I’m leaving on Friday, and will try to play my turns as often as I can. I’ll leave it up to you guys what you want to do, but feel free to turn it over to the AI if it’s annoying. I won’t be butthurt about it.

Please welcome BrotherMagneto who’s replacing dysanx while he’s on a vacation in Thailand (about the next two weeks). You might know BrotherMagneto as Peas and Rice over at SA, or “the guy whose idea this whole PBEM game was in the first place”.

Hey if you guys want to find a replacement for me. I’ve completely lost all interest in Civ.

Thanks for letting us now, Cascade.

So we should consider the game to be on hold until we manage to find a replacement. I’ll keep asking in the thread. Wish me luck. Worst case scenario if we don’t find anyone in a few days, I’ll replace Cascade by AI and we’ll resume.

I can join the game if is ok for you.

Do you know if its possible?

Sure, that would be great! I can ask the creator of this tool, he’s very helpful and can replace players manually.

By the way, there are also free spots in Goon Game 3 and Goon Game 4. Would you like to join them too, or just this one?

Too many for me I still playing others games

I play one with you guys :slight_smile:

Aaand we’re back on. Almost. Because the Australian Summer patch still hasn’t arrived to Mac, we’ll have to wait for it so that the Mac people can play.

As expected, the game is now on hold again until the patch comes out for Mac too. Sorry for that, and thanks for being patient. We will prevail and finish this game! One day.

Welcome back to the game after a loooong hiatus. I hope the wait didn’t discourage you much, let’s get this going again. From what I can see, things are already heating up so it looks like there are some interesting times ahead. Have fun!

Hey all, I’m currently in the process of moving across the country so I won’t be able to play until i get my computer set up at my location. I’ll see if i can get it running my crappy laptop but if I can’t I probably wont be able to take a turn for about a week.

Update: my PC is now fully assembled. When i get home from work tommorow I’ll install my OS and get civ running. Should have my turn done within 24 hours.

Hi everyone. Sorry for dragging this further but I won’t be able to play my damn turn until Sunday. I’m getting married this weekend! Wish me luck :wink:

I’m not able to upload my save now that Acecante dropped, so until we figure out how to fix that we’re kindof SoL

Not sure what happened there. Did he drop in between our turns? Can you try to download and play the turn again? If that doesn’t help, I’ll ask the PYDT creator for help. Maybe he’ll know what to do.

Yeah I tried it a few different times. It says its on the incorrect turn when i try to submit.

Bug reported here:

I’m afraid we have to wait. Sorry about that. This specific game seems to be cursed :frowning:

So the usual post-DLC hiatus is here. Enjoy the vacation everyone and see you in a few weeks when the Mac people get their patch.

So I think I should declare this game officially dead. Sorry everyone for the bad experience. The Mac patch issues killed this :frowning: See you in other, more fun games.